Homework 1: Experimental Design and Basic Python

Due Date: Completed and graded before January 30, 2020 at 11:59pm
Points: Homework 1 is worth 10 points


In DISCOVERY, we will be using PrairieLearn for both homeworks and exams in the CBTF. You have multiple attempts to answer each question, but a second attempt may be a different, related question.

Using PrairieLearn

Homework 1 is available on PrairieLearn, a platform developed at Illinois. To access Homework 1:

  1. Log into https://prairielearn.engr.illinois.edu/

  2. Choose “Add or Remove Courses”

  3. Add “STAT/CS/IS 107: Data Science Discovery, Spring 2020”

  4. Click on “STAT/CS/IS 107: Data Science Discovery, Spring 2020”