Guide: Setting Up git for Data Science Exploration

To set up git, there are certain commands you will run:

  1. Once for the entire semester (“Course Setup”),
  2. Once for each computer you use (“Computer Setup”),
  3. Once each time you work on Data Science Discovery (“Assignment Setup”)

Course Setup

To begin to work on assignments and turn in work, you will need to create a git repository for the course.

Computer Setup

  1. Create a stat207 folder on your Desktop (if you haven’t already)

  2. Using your command line, run the following commands to navigate into your stat207 folder:
    cd Desktop
    cd stat207
  3. Clone a local copy of your git repository with the following command (making sure to replace YOUR-GIT-REPO-URL with the URL from the “Course Setup”):
    git clone YOUR-GIT-REPO-URL
  4. Navigate into your git directory by going into your NetID-named folder (replace NETID with yours):
    cd NETID
  5. Set up a connection to the _release repository where code will be released for you:
    git remote add release

Assignment Setup

Each assignment will provide specific instructions on how to use git to fetch and submit your work.