Classnotes as Jupyter notebooks

All classnotes are posted as pdf files on the class website. The source notebooks for these files are available from the _classnotes repository.

Instructions for cloning the _classnotes repository

Open a git command window.

Navigate into your stat207 folder on the desktop (NOT your netid subfolder!)

Issue the command:

git clone

This creates a subfolder called _classnotes within your stat207 folder. It contains a copy of the remote class notes repository.

Updating your _classnotes folder

The classnotes files will be updated throughout the semester. To retrieve the updated class notes at any time do:

	1. Launch a git command window
	2. cd into your local _classnotes folder
	3. git pull 

If there have been no changes git will respond with “Already up-to-date”. Otherwise it will retrieve the updated files.

Resolving conflicts

If you get an error message because you modified your local copies of the notebooks, just cut and paste them into a different folder. Then do a git pull again to get the current remote versions.

If that doesn’t work and git refuses to overwrite what you currently have in your local _classnotes folder, you can force it to get the new versions with the commands:

	git reset --hard HEAD
	git pull

WARNING: this will replace whatever you have in the _classnotes folder, so be sure you are ok with that before overwriting the contents.

Running or modifying the notebooks

To avoid conflicts, it is simplest to create a parallel folder, say, “myclassnotes”. Copy the contents of _classnotes into myclassnotes and do any work you want in that folder.

Launch jupyter notebooks if you would like to run the code in any of the notes. You can save your results or not.