Common git errors and solutions

This is a compilation of git issues and resolutions encountered by students and instructors in STAT 207.

Windows issues

Issue: “git fetch release” doesn’t work because of “incorrect login and password,” but you were never asked to authenticate.

  • Either you typed your password wrong previously and it got saved, or you changed your netid password since last using git. If multiple attempts fail you need to remove the github password that is stored in your Windows credentials.
  • In the Windows search box start typing “manage windows credentials”. You should see the windows credential manager in the control panel. Look for git related passwords and select “remove”.
  • After removing the stored git passwords try “git fetch release” again. You should be prompted for your credentials and be able to sign in now.

OS X issues

Issue: “git fetch release” doesn’t work because of “incorrect login and password,” but you were never asked to authenticate.

  • Either you typed your password wrong previously and it got saved, or you changed your netid password since last using git. If multiple attempts fail you need to remove the github password that is stored in your Keychain.
  • Open Keychain Access on your Mac:
    • Click and open Finder from the dock.
    • Click on Applications then double click on Utilities
    • Double click on Keychain Accessto open the applications.
  • In the Keychain Access window click on ‘login’ if it is not already highlighted. You should see a list of applications with stored passwords.
  • Look for any git related passwords. Select them and delete from the Keychain Access edit menu.
  • After removing the stored git passwords try “git fetch release” again. You should be prompted for your credentials and be able to sign in now.

Issue: git command no longer working from the command line, perhaps after upgrading OS X.

  • Go to the terminal and type in “command line tools”.
  • You should be directed to install some tools. Follow the instructions.
  • After installing these the git command should work again.